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Showing posts from February, 2005

Apple's position solidified by launching new iPod 2005-02-24 08:41:58 BEIJING, Feb. 24 (Xinhuanet) Apple Computer Inc. unveiled its new generation of mini iPods on Wednesday, cutting the price of the current "iPod mini" model. Apple Computer Inc. released new versions of its popular iPod digital music player Wednesday, cutting prices and expanding memory capacities. The new four-gigabyte mini iPod is priced at 199 dollars while the six-gigabyte player, with 50 percent more storage, comes with a 249 dollar price-tag. The battery life of the second-generation mini models has also been improved. The playback time on a single charge is now 18 hours, up from 8 hours of previous models. "We've done very well, but we're not resting on our laurels," Joswiak said. "And we're going to continue to be very aggressive in this market." "We believe some will view the changes in the iPod product line as negative," said Piper Jaffray. "Specifically, we expect to hear argument...

Mayoritas vs. minoritas

Jalur Kereta Api Sekelompok anak kecil sedang bermain di dekat dua jalur kereta api. Jalur yg pertama adalah jalur aktif (masih sering dilewati KA), sementara jalur kedua sudah tidak aktif. Hanya seorang anak yg bermain di jalur yg tidak aktif (tidak pernah lagi dilewati KA), sementara lainnya bermain di jalur KA yg masih aktif. Tiba-tiba terlihat ada kereta api yg mendekat dgn kecepatan tinggi, dan kebetulan Anda berada di depan panel persimpangan yg mengatur arah KA tsb. Apakah Anda akan memindahkan arah KA tsb ke jalur sdh tidak aktif dan menyelamatkan sebagian besar anak kecil yg sedang bermain ? Namun hal ini berarti Anda mengorbankan seorang anak yang sedang bermain di jalur KA yg tidak aktif. Atau Anda akan membiarkan kereta tsb berada di jalur yg seharusnya? Mari berhenti sejenak dan berpikir keputusan apa yang sebaiknya kita ambil ? Pikirkan baik-baik jawaban anda...., dan setelah anda yakin dengan jawaban anda, baru anda teruskan membaca ke bawah. . . . . Sebagian besar orang...

HP "dibunuh" Carly Fiorina?

End of a hatchet woman Hewlett-Packard's ousted CEO Carly Fiorina destroyed a great company's creative soul and trashed its business. By Lawrence M. Fisher Feb. 10, 2005 | Carleton S. Fiorina's fall from grace was dramatic, as was most of her career. But don't cry for Carly; her way of doing business remains ascendant, and has already triumphed over that quaint set of humanistic values known as "The HP Way." I well remember my first meeting with Carly, who from an early date seemed destined to be one of those first-name-only stars like Cher or Madonna. Months before Hewlett-Packard named her its chief executive, the company had invited me and John Markoff, my friend and colleague at the New York Times, to spend a day with the engineers at its legendary research labs. But midway through our morning in nerd nirvana, Carly paid us a "surprise" visit. She was, of course, charming, well-coiffed and coutured, as nearly every article at ...

Kolom Telematika: Tragedi Telkom Speedy

Kontributor: M. Salahuddien detikcom - Jakarta, Akhir 2004, Internet Indonesia mendapat kado pahit berupa kekacauan billing layanan ADSL Speedy, salah satu layanan ISP terbesar di Indonesia, Divisi Multimedia PT Telkom Tbk. Pertengahan Januari 2005, layanan ini kembali bermasalah dan berakibat lumpuhnya layanan selama beberapa hari. Tidak ada penjelasan memadai dan pelanggan diabaikan haknya oleh Telkom. Kualitas layanan adalah masalah mendasar ISP nasional. Divisi Multimedia PT. Telkom adalah ISP terbesar yang banyak dikeluhkan pelanggan. Telkom terkesan tidak punya rencana bisnis dan sumber daya yang layak untuk menyelenggarakan berbagai layanan Internet. Telkom juga dikritik dalam hal perilaku bisnis, penyelenggaraan, kualitas layanan dan sumber daya manusia. Terutama terkait dua layanan utamanya, Telkomnet Instan yang sudah tersebar di 240 kota dan Telkom Speedy (ADSL) di dua kota besar, Jakarta dan Surabaya. Telkom arogan dan tidak fair pada mitra kerja maupun pelangganny...

Bankruptcy just an illness away, research shows

Medical woes cause half of personal bankruptcies, and insurance is no protection, a Harvard study shows. By Associated Press Published February 2, 2005 BOSTON - Costly illnesses trigger about half of personal bankruptcies, and health insurance offers no protection against ending up penniless, according to findings from a Harvard University study to be released Wednesday. Researchers from Harvard's law and medical schools said the findings underscore the inadequacy of many private insurance plans that offer worst-case catastrophic coverage, but little financial security for less severe illnesses. "Unless you're Bill Gates, you're just one serious illness away from bankruptcy," said Dr. David Himmelstein, the study's lead author and an associate professor of medicine. "Most of the medically bankrupt were average Americans who happened to get sick." The study, to be published online today by the journal Health Affairs, distributed quest...