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Showing posts from May 17, 2001
I was upset. I felt left alone. Then suddenly my fingers typed "Doa Sang Katak" at yahoo search engine. And there it was. The top found item. " Doa Sang Katak " by Father Anthony de Mello SJ. It's the Indonesian version of "The Prayer of the Frog" If you looked at the link above, then you'll learn where is it placed. In isnet . The Islamic Network Organization. Besides "Doa Sang Katak", there are also "Burung Berkicau" and "Basa-basi". So here I am... Reading it there...
wahai putri. dalam cerminku. temani diriku terluka.
angin kencang bertiup. merontokkan kelopak-kelopak bunga yang beberapa hari yang lalu mekar indah. tepat di sebelah jendela. tempat komputerku berada. tempat aku menggoreskan luka. ke atas kertas di alam maya.
mendung. di tengah-tengah musim semi yang seharusnya indah.