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Showing posts from May, 2006

Pajak Jaguar dapet subsidi dari mobil lama?

Pajak Mobil Lama Naik Drastis, Pajak Mobil Baru Malah Turun Arifin Asydhad - detikcom Jakarta - Kenaikan pajak kendaraan bermotor (PKB) memang mengejutkan, sekaligus membingungkan. Sebab, mobil lama malah meningkat tajam, sementara pajak mobil baru malah turun. Pemerintah perlu menjelaskan hal ini. "Kemarin, awal bulan Mei, saya perpanjang mobil Toyota Kijang Grand KF 71 SHR tahun 2000. Semula pajaknya sebesar Rp 861.000, tapi tahun ini menjadi Rp 1.650.000. Kenaikannya menjadi sekitar 100%. Apa ini tidak kelewatan........?" tulis Jery Tom dalam e-mailnya kepada detikcom, Jumat (19/5/2006). Jery mengaku telah mencari banyak informasi mengenai hal ini. Dan hasil temuannya, ternyata ada pajak kendaraan yang turun. "Pajak yang turun adalah pajak kendaraan produk di atas tahun 2000," tulis dia. Karena itu, dia mempertanyakan mengapa pajak kendaraan tahun lama, tahun 2000 ke bawah malah naik nggak tanggung-tanggung, sementara kendaraan baru malah turun. Dia mencontohkan ...

kompas: Blogger menggeser MediaBasBang?

Pewarta Warga, Ancaman bagi Editor? PEPIH NUGRAHA Pada suatu masa, kehadiran radio dianggap mengancam surat kabar dalam hal kecepatan menyiarkan berita. Kemudian radio terancam oleh kehadiran televisi yang lebih atraktif, karena selain menyiarkan suara, juga menyiarkan gambar bergerak yang tentu saja jauh lebih atraktif. Pernah juga disebut-sebut, kehadiran situs berita atau "" di pertengahan tahun 1990-an bisa menjadi ancaman seluruh media massa konvensional, seperti surat kabar, radio, maupun televisi. Akan tetapi, dalam hal kecepatan menyampaikan informasi, konon seluruh jenis media terancam oleh kehadiran mailing list atau blog pribadi di internet. Pakar ilmu komunikasi Universitas Indonesia Dedy Nur Hidayat tidak melihat kehadiran blog sebagai ancaman serius bagi media massa kini, baik koran, radio, maupun televisi. Juga belum bisa disebut tantangan signifikan bagi media-media massa konvensional yang sekarang ini ada. "Blog, situs prib...

Ahmadinejad's Letter

Excerpts from Ahmadinejad letter to Bush By Times Online and agencies The surprise letter sent by President Ahmadinejad of Iran to President Bush - the first such communication in 27 years - has been dismissed by the White House as a rambling 18-page philosophical treatise. The text of the letter, written in English, has been obtained by the AP news agency, which has published selected paragraphs. The White House has said that its contents will not influence its position in the ongoing dispute over Iran's nuclear project. ON THE WAR IN IRAQ "Under the pretext of the existence of WMDs, this great tragedy came to engulf both the peoples of the occupied and the occupying country. Later it was revealed that no WMDs existed to begin with. ISRAEL AND THE HOLOCAUST "After the war, they claimed that six million Jews had been killed. Again, let us assume that these events are true. Does that logically translate into the e...

X1 beats 0-60mph/3sec and 170mpg car combined

Wrightspeed X1 - EV Power and Efficiency by Megawatt Motorworks (1/27/2006) One thousand one... one thousand two... one thousand three... that's how quick this electric car accelerates from 0 to 60 mph. Before you finish this sentence the car has topped 100 mph! Ian Wright sees a market for electric vehicles that outperform petrol cars. The X1 was built to prove his theory as he works to attract funding for his startup company, Wrightspeed Inc. Ian's banking on the fact that power and efficiency are the hallmarks of today's electric vehicles. It's unlikely that any gas car can trump the X1, which sips just 200 Whr of electricy per mile-- or the gas equivalent of 170 miles per gallon. In other words, try to find any gas car that gets 170-mpg and still accelerates with the same gusto! How does this acceleration compare to other cars? Will Nordby of KRON news in San Francisco reported, "Wright competed in a race with $170,000 Ferrari and a $400,000 Por...

how to kill antibiotic resistant bacteria?

from Wallaby milk: proof against antibiotic resistant bacteria Milk from lactating wallabies is effective in combatting antibiotic-resistant bacteria: A newborn wallaby lacks a developed immune system and relies on compounds in its mother's milk to protect it against diseases. Ben Cocks, of the Victoria Department of Primary Industries, in Melbourne, said: "A huge amount of development happens in the pouch, and during that time they just rely on milk." The molecule, called AGG01, also kills other types of bacteria and fungus. Link ( via Futurismic )

MSNBC: Astronaut Eileen Collins leaves NASA

Excerpts:   Eileen Collins, the unflappable astronaut who charted a groundbreaking career as the first woman to pilot and command a space shuttle, is leaving the U.S. space agency. Collins grew up in a public housing project in Elmira, N.Y. She used church collections and money from a pizza parlor job to pay for flying lessons. She studied mathematics and economics and Syracuse University and received masters degrees from Stanford University and Webster University.   Collins became the first woman chosen by NASA to be a spacecraft pilot while attending the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base in California. She had been a mathematics professor and pilot instructor at the U.S. Air Force Academy and an Air Force pilot instructor at Vance Air Force Base in Oklahoma. She retired from the Air Force in 2005 with the rank of colonel. During her NASA career, she logged more than 872 hours in space.   Read the full story: