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Showing posts from October, 2009

Hey Jude - flowchart

Rokok Kretek problems in the US OCTOBER 28, 2009 To the FDA, This Indonesian Smoke Is Close but No Cigar With Ban on Clove Cigarettes, Importer Claims Its Product Is All Stogie By BARRY NEWMAN Getty Images Cloves are popular in Indonesia, above. Importer Kretek International wants its product declared a cigar to get around a ban in the U.S. ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar -- unless the Food and Drug Administration and a congressional committee think it might be a cigarette. The cigar (or cigarette) in question is called a kretek . Kreteks are cigarettes that blend tobacco and cloves. Billions are smoked in Indonesia, wreathing that country in the scent of studded oranges. A few weeks ago, though, clove cigarettes were banned in the U.S. on the grounds that their fragrance is a come-on to children. It was the FDA's first act under a law giving it t...

OC surfer helps quake workers Monday, October 19, 2009 Surfer's water filters help desperate quake workers A.M. READ: An OC surfer's water filters helped desperate workers in the earthquake-ravaged city of Padang, Indonesia. By LAYLAN CONNELLY The Orange County Register Jon Rose was on a boat in Indonesia when the Padang 7.6 earthquake hit, killing hundreds, injuring and leaving thousands more missing. He was en route to Bali to take water filters, and quickly changed gears after seeing the devastation, helping the local Red Cross in the early hours after the quake. LEONARD ORTIZ, THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER Jon Rose sits on the back of a moped, scouring the crumbled city of Padang. He passes hotels he's stayed in, looking straight into the rooms. The walls have collapsed. Cracks in the ground run five-feet deep. Entire structures are crumb...

Kabinet - alumni mana aja?

Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu berdasarkan latar belakang pendidikan S1 atau setingkat itu: 1. Menko Polhukam: Djoko Suyanto -- Akmil 2. Menko Perekonomian: Hatta Rajasa -- ITB 3. Menko Kesra: Agung Laksono -- UKI 4. Menteri Sekretaris Negara: Sudi Silalahi -- Akmil 5. Menteri Dalam Negeri: Gamawan Fauzi – Universitas Andalas 6. Menteri Luar Negeri: Marty Natalegawa – LSE Inggris 7. Menteri Pertahanan: Purnomo Yusgiantoro -- ITB 8. Menteri Hukum dan HAM: Patrialis Akbar -- Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta 9. Menteri Keuangan: Sri Mulyani – UI 10. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral: Darwin Saleh -- UI 11. Menteri Perindustrian: M.S Hidayat -- Unpad 12. Menteri Perdagangan: Mari Elka Pangestu -- Australian National University 13. Menteri Pertanian: Suswono -- IPB 14. Menteri Kehutanan: Zulkifli Hasan -- Unkris 15. Menteri Perhubungan: Fredy Numberi -- Akmil 16. Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan: Fadel Muhammad -- ITB 17. Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi: Muhaimin Iska...

Indonesia's Top 100 Innovations

Home / Innovation /   Business Innovation Center (BIC) showcases Indonesia's Top 100 Innovations Innovation – Yes Indonesia Can! By Meraj Mohammad, Expert Contributor Posted Oct 5th, 2009   Business innovation has had a lot of buzz created in the last few years. The difficulty with innovation is that we all have an intuitive understanding of the topic and we aspire to be innovative, but struggle to make it real and tangible. This challenge is further complicated when we see...

Volkswagen 258 mpg car on sale in 2010 Examiner Bio Volkswagen's $600 car gets 258 mpg July 6, 11:06 AM Trendy Living Examiner Mark Leevan This $600 car is no toy and is ready to be released in China next year. The single seater aero car totes VW (Volkswagen) branding. Volkswagen did a lot of very highly protected testing of this car in Germany, but it was not announced until now where the car would make it's first appearance. The car was introduced at the VW stockholders meeting as the most economical car in the world is presented. The initial objective of the prototype was to prove that 1 liter of fuel could deliver 100 kilos of travel.      Spartan interior doesn't sacrifice safety The aero design proved essential to getting the desired result. The body is 3.47 meters long and just 1.25 meters wide, and a little over a meter high. The prototype was made completely of car...

16-yo headmaster The 'youngest headmaster in the world' Advertisement Tour of the school set up by 16-year-old Babar Ali Around the world millions of children are not getting a proper education because their families are too poor to afford to send them to school. In India, one schoolboy is trying to change that. In the first report in the BBC's Hunger to Learn series, Damian Grammaticas meets Babar Ali, whose remarkable education project is transforming the lives of hundreds of poor children. At 16 years old, Babar Ali must be the youngest headmaster in the world. He's a teenager who is in charge of teaching hundreds of students in his family's backyard, where he runs classes for poor children from his village. The story of this young man from Murshidabad in West Bengal is a remarkable tale of ...

[detik] Ayat UU pun dikorupsi...

Rabu, 07/10/2009 16:37 WIB Kisah Korupsi Ayat Terkait Rokok di UU Kesehatan Nograhany Widhi K - detikNews Ilustrasi (Dok. Detikcom) Jakarta - Satu ayat di UU Kesehatan yang berkaitan dengan rokok dikorupsi setelah disahkan pada 14 September 2009. Di mana proses korupsi ayat itu bisa dilakukan? Siapa yang kemungkinan bisa mengkorupsi ayat itu? Ayat 2 yang dikorupsi itu memang menjadi inti dari Pasal 113. Berikut petikan lengkap Pasal 113 yang terdiri dari 3 ayat: (1) Pengamanan penggunaan bahan yang mengandung zat adiktif diarahkan agar tidak mengganggu dan membahayakan kesehatan perorangan, keluarga, masyarakat, dan lingkungan. (2) Zat adiktif sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat 1 meliputi tembakau, produk yang mengandung tembakau, padat, cairan dan gas yang bersifat adiktif yang penggunaannya dapat menimbulkan kerugian bagi dirinya dan atau masyarakat sekelilingnya. (3) Produksi, peredaran, dan penggunaan bahan yang mengandung zat adiktif harus ...

Daftar kebutuhan ICT Emergency Response Team Padang Pariaman

Ada update dari Yayasan Air Putih, mohon disebar luaskan: Bapak dan Ibu sekalian, Berikut ini kami sampaikan rencana dan daftar kebutuhan ICT Emergency Response Team Padang Pariaman yang dilaksanakan oleh Yayasan AirPutih, didukung oleh semua pihak. Pertama, Advanced team kami sudah menuju ke Padang melalui jalan darat bersama rombongan Dompet Duafa, PKPU, Muhammadiyah dan Al Azhar. Diperkirakan siang ini sudah di lokasi. Kedua, Beberapa informasi penting mengenai kebutuhan ICT yang sudah kami assess,hingga saat ini: - Hampir seluruh operator telko di Padang dan Pariaman lumpuh. Sinyal yang terdata kuat adalah XL. - Ada satu sekolah, yakni SMKN 6 Padang di Jl. Suliki No. 1 Padang, memiliki VSAT bantuan IndosatM2 yang bisa kita gunakan. - Support komunikasi paling dibutuhkan saat ini ada di Padang, untuk Posko Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan di Kantor Walikota Pariamanuntuk pusat informasi dan sharing informasi. - Gempa terakhir, 7 SR di Sungai Penuh Jamb...