Jumat, 12/02/2010 16:50 WIB
Tim Ilmuwan Inggris: Pengeboran Lapindo Brantas Picu Semburan Lumpur
Rita Uli Hutapea - detikNews
Jakarta - Sebuah tim ilmuwan asing menyatakan bahwa para pengebor gas bersalah atas timbulnya masalah lumpur Lapindo di Jawa Timur. Menurut mereka ada kaitan antara semburan lumpur tersebut dengan pengeboran di sumur eksplorasi gas oleh perusahaan energi lokal PT Lapindo Brantas.
Hal itu dituangkan dalam laporan yang dimuat jurnal Marine and Petroleum Geology. Tim yang dipimpin oleh para pakar dari Universitas Durham, Inggris menyatakan, bukti baru semakin menguatkan kecurigaan bahwa musibah lumpur Lapindo disebabkan oleh kesalahan manusia (human error).
PT Lapindo Brantas telah membantah sebagai pemicu musibah itu dengan kegiatan pengeboran gas yang dilakukannya. Menurut PT Lapindo, lumpur itu diakibatkan oleh gempa bumi di Yogyakarta yang terjadi dua hari sebelumnya.
Namun tim ilmuwan yang dipimpin Profesor Richard Davies dari Universitas Durham menyatakan, para pengebor yang mencari gas telah melakukan serangkaian kesalahan. Demikian seperti diberitakan kantor berita AFP, Jumat (12/2/2010).
"Mereka telah salah memperkirakan tekanan yang bisa ditoleransi oleh sumur yang mereka bor. Saat mereka gagal menemukan gas setelah mengebor, mereka menarik alat bor keluar saat lubang sangat tidak stabil," kata Durham.
Menurut Durham, dengan menarik bor, akibatnya lubang sumur mendapat "tendangan" dari tekanan air dan gas dari susunan batu-batuan sekitarnya. Hasilnya adalah semburan lumpur yang terus-menerus.
Menurut tim tersebut, kesimpulan tersebut diperoleh dari data yang dirilis Lapindo mengenai salah satu laporan pengeboran harian di lokasi. Laporan itu telah memberikan bukti baru yang mengindikasikan pengeboran telah menyebabkan masalah lumpur tersebut.
Lumpur panas tersebut mulai muncul pada tahun 2006 dan telah merenggut 14 nyawa. Hampir 60 ribu orang kehilangan tempat tinggal akibat lumpur tersebut.
Victims of the 2006 Lapindo mudflow disaster pray in Sidoarjo, East Java, during Idul Fitri holiday on Sept. 20. (Photo: Fully Handoko, EPA)
Lapindo Disaster Caused By Human Error: Study
Paris. Drilling firm PT Lapindo Brantas, owned by Golkar Party chairman Aburizal Bakrie, was to blame for unleashing a mud volcano in East Java that claimed 14 lives and displaced tens of thousands of people, a major international study has concluded.
In a paper published by the journal Marine and Petroleum Geology, a group led by experts from Britain's Durham University, said the new clues bolstered suspicions the catastrophe was caused by human error.
Lapindo Brantas maintained in the same journal that the "Lusi" mud volcano was unleashed by an earthquake at Yogyakarta, 280 kilometers away.
Lusi's mud has been devouring land and homes in Sidoarjo district since May 2006, imperilling as many as 100,000 people through subsidence and inflicting damage at $4.9 billion, according to an estimate by an Australian expert.
Durham professor Richard Davies said drillers, looking for gas nearby, had made a series of mistakes.
They had overestimated the pressure the well could tolerate, and had not placed protective casing around a section of open well.
Then, after failing to find any gas, they hauled the drill out while the hole was extremely unstable. By withdrawing the drill, they exposed the well hole to a "kick" from pressurised water and gas from surrounding rock formations.
The result was a volcano-like inflow that the drillers tried in vain to stop, he said.
"We found that one of the on-site daily drilling reports states that Lapindo Brantas pumped heavy drilling mud into the well to try to stop the mud volcano," Davies said in a press release.
By pumping in this heavy mud, the drillers had hoped to create sufficient pressure in the column of the well hole to block the fluid pouring in from the rupture, Davies said.
"This was partially successful, and the eruption of the mud volcano slowed down. The fact that the eruption slowed provides the first conclusive evidence that the bore hole was connected to the volcano at the time of eruption."
He added: "This is the clearest evidence uncovered so far that the Lusi mud volcano was triggered by drilling. We have detailed data, collected over two years, that show the events that led to the creation of the Lusi volcano."
A co-author of the discussion paper, Michael Manga, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, added the Yogyakarta quake was too small and distant to have caused Lusi. "The stresses produced by the earthquake were minute," he said.
Arguments over the causes of Lusi have become a political issue in Indonesia. The House of Representatives in September 2009 said they had found no evidence of negligence on the part of Lapindo and declared that the mudflow was caused by a natural disaster.
In 2008, scientists from around the world at the conference of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in Cape Town, including Davies, voted that the disaster was triggered by drilling activity.