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HALOWEEN pacifier?
TERBUKTI "Kenapa kamu berhenti dari pekerjaan terakhirmu?" "Boss saya menuduh saya mencuri uang perusahaan." "Kenapa tidak kau suruh dia membuktikannya?" "Sudah. Ternyata dia bisa." MEMELAS Seorang anak berlari menemui ibunya di dapur. Anak : "Bu, minta uang." Ibu : "Buat apa?" Anak : "Itu, di depan rumah ada orang yang berteriak memelas." Ibu : "Apa teriakannya?" Anak : "Bakso, Bakso!" TIDAK MELIHAT "Apakah Saudara tidak melihat lampu merah?" tanya seorang polisi kepada seorang pengendara motor. "Saya lihat, Pak." "Lalu kenapa Saudara tidak berhenti?" "Saya tidak melihat Bapak." KECEBUR Anak : "Bu, dari tadi si Ima nangis terus, nggak mau berhenti." Ibu : "Ini Rp 500,-. Kasih ke dia buat jajan. Bilang, jangan nangis lagi." Anak : "Percuma, Bu.. Dia nggak bakal mau diam." Ibu : "Dasar anak nak...
CINTA TAK SELALU BERWUJUD BUNGA Suami saya adalah seorang insinyur, saya mencintai sifatnya yang alami dan saya menyukai perasaan hangat yang muncul di hati saya ketika saya bersandar di bahunya yang bidang. Tiga tahun dalam masa perkenalan, dan dua tahun dalam masa pernikahan, saya harus akui, bahwa saya mulai merasa lelah, alasan-2 saya mencintainya dulu telah berubah menjadi sesuatu yang menjemukan. Saya seorang wanita yang sentimentil dan benar-2 sensitif serta berperasaan halus. Saya merindukan saat-saat romantis seperti seorang anak yang menginginkan permen. Tetapi semua itu tidak pernah saya dapatkan. Suami saya jauh berbeda dari yang saya harapkan. Rasa sensitif-nya kurang. Dan ketidakmampuannya dalam menciptakan suasana yang romantis dalam pernikahan kami telah mementahkan semua harapan saya akan cinta yang ideal. Suatu hari, saya beranikan diri untuk mengatakan keputusan saya kepadanya, bahwa saya menginginkan perceraian. "Mengapa?", dia bertanya dengan...
Isteriku Tetap Yang Paling Cantik eramuslim - Pukul 4.05, alert di hpku membangunkan. Ia ikut bangun. Padahal, aku tahu baru pukul 23.30 ia bisa tidur setelah berjibaku dengan kerjanya, kerja rumah tangga, urusan dua anakku, dan mengurusi aku sebagai suami. Belum lagi, pukul 01.15 terbangun untuk sebuah interupsi. Ups, rupanya ia lupa menyetrika baju kantorku. Aku mandi, shalat lail dan shalat subuh. ia selesai pula menyelesaikan itu. Plus, satu stel pakaian kerjaku telah siap. Aku siap berangkat. Ah, ada yang tertinggal rupanya. AKu lupa memandangi wajahnya pagi ini. "Nda, kamu cantik sekali hari ini," kataku memuji. Ia tersenyum. "Bang tebak sudah berapa lama kita menikah?" Aku tergagap sebentar. Melongo. Lho, koq nanya itu. hatiku membatin. Aku berhenti sebentar dan menghitung sudah berapa lama kami bersama. Karena, perasaanku baru kemarin aku datang ke rumahnya bersama ust. Bambang untuk meminangnya."Lho, baru kemarin aku datang untuk memi...
The hills are alive with the sound of music With songs they have sung for a thousand years The hills fill my heart with the sound of music My heart wants to sing every song it hears My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that rise from the lake to the trees My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies from a church on a breeze To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over stones on its way To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray I go to the hills when my heart is lonely I know I will hear what I've heard before My heart will be blessed with the sound of music And I'll sing once more
Just One Voice, Singing in the darkness, All it takes is One Voice, Singing so they hear what's on your mind, And when you look around you'll find There's more than One Voice, Singing in the darkness, Joining with your One Voice, Each and every note another octave, Hands are joined and fears unlocked, If only One Voice would start it on its own, We need just One Voice facing the unknown, And that One Voice would never be alone, It takes that One Voice. Ba ba ba da da da da, Ba ba ba ba ba ba da da da, Ba ba ba ba ba, It takes that One Voice. Just One Voice Singing in the darkness, All it takes is One Voice, Shout it out and let it ring. Just One Voice, It takes that One Voice, And everyone will sing!
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high In the land that I heard of once, once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
Isn't this a very pretty sight? She doesn't have legs. She can't even do simplest thing called running. Thanks to technology, now she can :)
mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest one, of all? you my princess. you're the fairest one, of all!
The Barber Who Believed That God Doesn't Exist A man went to a barber shop to have his hair and his beard cut as always. He started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They talked about so many things and various subjects. Suddenly, they touched the subject of God. The barber said: "Look man, I don't believe that God exists as you say so." "Why do you say that?" - Asked the client. "Well, it's so easy, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God does not exist. Oh, tell me, if God existed, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be no suffering nor pain. I can't think of a God who permits all of these things." The client stopped for a moment thinking but he didn't want to respond so as to prevent an argument. The barber finished his job and the client went out of the shop. Just after he left the barber shop he saw a man ...
Exciting collectibles. Light Sabers. It even can be used for a real sword fight. Made from a durable material. Interested? visit Park Sabers .
SARS Genetic Code Identified By Laurie Garrett STAFF WRITER April 15, 2003 Two laboratories in the United States and Canada have figured out the complete genetic code of the virus suspected of causing the respiratory disorder SARS, a step essential to developing diagnostic tests and treatments. The findings are remarkable because of their speed - by comparison, it took nearly three years to find the virus that causes AIDS and another two years to determine its full genetic sequence - and their almost letter-for-letter similarity. The CDC's genomic sequence is longer than the Canadians' by only 15 genetic letters, or nucleotides - a mere blip in the virus' total of 29,736 nucleotides. The makeup of a virus is expected to vary slightly by geographic region. But coupled with optimism that the finding can serve as a road map for developing diagnostic tests, drug development and a vaccine is the continuing mystery: The virus is completely different from any kno...
7 Iraqis Killed In Checkpoint Tragedy March 31, 2003 (CBS/AP) "It was the most horrible thing I've ever seen, and I hope I never see it again." Sgt. Mario Manzano (CBS) U.S. troops killed at least seven Iraqi women and children at a checkpoint Monday when the Iraqis' van would not stop as ordered, U.S. Central Command said. Two other civilians were wounded at a U.S. Army checkpoint on a highway near Najaf in southern Iraq, according to a Pentagon official and a Central Command statement. The military is investigating, the statement said. The soldiers involved were from the 3rd Infantry Division, the same unit that lost four soldiers at a checkpoint near Najaf Saturday when an Iraqi soldier dressed as a civilian detonated a car bomb. The seven dead and two wounded on Monday were among 13 women and children in a van that approached the checkpoint but did not stop, according to the Central Command statement. It said soldiers motioned for t...
The Indonesian War of Independence Sukarno was expecting the Japanese to grant Indonesian independence before World War II ended, so he was taken by surprise when Japan surrendered first. On August 17, 1945, he proclaimed the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, with himself as president and Muhammed Hatta as vice-president. The Dutch were willing to negotiate a new future for the Indies, but complete independence was more than they were willing to give. Sukarno and Hatta replied that they could not take back their independence declaration, and that the only thing worth talking about was the speedy liquidation or removal of everything the Dutch owned in the islands. This impasse made war inevitable. The first skirmishes were directed against the Japanese troops that occupied Java in August 1945. The surrender terms imposed on Japan required that her troops in occupied areas maintain order until the arrival of Allied units. In September British forces arrived to disarm and...
Seeing Double A few months ago, Austrian right-wing politician and political enfant terrible Jörg Haider caused quite an uproar when he travelled to Iraq on what he claimed was a "humanitarian mission", met and shook hands with Saddam Hussein and extended his greetings and "the best wishes of the Austrian people" to Saddam. Green party leader Alexander van der Bellen, usually a very stoic, thoughtful man, summarized pretty much what just about everybody in Austria thought when he said: "Haider has now gone completely gaga." Now it seems Haider didn't meet Saddam after all. According to the Austrian news magazine Format, German forensic law professor Dieter Buhmann claims that Haider merely met one of Saddam's doubles. Buhmann says that he has done extensive research on video footage of Saddam Hussein, and his results have shown that there are at least three doubles of Saddam, surgically altered to look like him. Haider was apparently not im...
This article is written in Bahasa Indonesia. The original essay in english language follows. Berjuang untuk Hidup Kalau dipikir-pikir, Mike Powell mestinya tidak selamat. Kecanduan, menjadi pengedar obat-obatan, penjara, atau kematian adalah nasib yang biasanya menimpa anak jalanan di "rimba" South-Central Los Angeles-arena kejam untuk perang obat, pembunuhan geng, pelacuran, dan kejahatan. Tapi, kehidupan Mike kecil memiliki tujuan istimewa. Selama delapan tahun ia tabah menghadapi teror dan kebrutalan untuk mempertahankan keluarganya yang beranak tujuh. Hebatnya, selama masa itu, tak ada orang yang tahu bahwa orangtua yang sesungguhnya dalam keluarga itu hanyalah seorang anak. Waktu Mike lahir, ayahnya, Fonso, dipenjarakan karena mengedarkan obat. Ibu Mike, Cheryl, yang berusia lima belas tahun, keluar dari sekolah untuk menafkahi bayinya. "Tanpa kau, kehidupanku tak akan begini," begitu katanya pada Mike berkali-kali. Perasaan bersalah inilah yang memb...
Wawancara Arswendo Atmowiloto: Gobloknya, Jaksa Terima Pakai Cek [18/02/03] Masih ingat kasus polling di tabloid Monitor yang mengakibatkan pemimpin redaksinya, Arswendo Atmowiloto, masuk bui? Pengalamannya melalui proses peradilan dan menjalani hukuman di penjara, membuat Wendo--begitu ia biasa dipanggil--mengetahui persis lika-liku proses peradilan maupun kehidupan di penjara. Termasuk, korupsi yang terjadi dalam setiap proses itu. Karena itu, ketika berbicara dalam peluncuran buku "Menyingkap Mafia Peradilan" yang digelar ICW baru-baru ini, Wendo dengan santai menyatakan bahwa cara paling mudah untuk mengetahui pola korupsi di peradilan adalah dengan menjadi 'pesakitan'. Meski telah keluar keluar dari penjara pada 1995 dan kembali menghasilkan berbagai karya, Wendo tentu belum lupa pengalamannya selama menjalani proses hukum itu. Sekarang, kegiatan Wendo segudang, mulai dari serial "Keluarga Cemara"--tontonan keluarga yang banya...
NASEHAT DIRI Suka duka perih sedih - jalani hina mulia senang susah - jalani jangan hitung buntung dan untung seperti dulu kerja di restoran menggunung tinggi cucian menumpuk kas-kas minuman soft-drink jangan takut - jalani dan lakukan jangan marah jangan berwajah segi delapan biar pelan tapi terus jalan diam-diam dia sudah rapi. Jadi orang jangan setengah-setengah jadi orang harus tuntas dan utuh dorong tarik gerobak tua mendaki dan menurun pastikan agar sampai ke tujuan,- Holland, 17 febr 03 Sobron Aidit
When life is empty With no tomorrow And loneliness starts to call Baby don't worry Forget your sorrow 'Cause love's gonna conquer it all All ! (celine dion)
Renungan Tagore Jangan biarkan aku berdoa agar terlindung dari bahaya; melainkan biarlah aku menghadapinya dengan tak gentar. Jangan biarkan aku memohon agar kepedihan dihilangkan; melainkan biarlah aku diberi semangat untuk menaklukannya. Jangan biarkan aku mencari sekutu dalam pertempuran hidup; melainkan biarlah aku mencari kekuatanku sendiri. Jangan biarkan aku mengharapkan agar diselamatkan; melainkan biarlah aku mengharapkan kesabaran untuk memenangkan kemerdekaanku. Buatlah aku agar jangan jadi pengecut; yang mengharapkan belas kasihMu hanya dalam keberhasilanku. Tapi biarlah aku mencari genggaman tanganMU di dalam kegagalanku. ------------------------ Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain but for the heart to conquer it. Let me not look for allies in life's battlefield, but to my own strength. Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved, bu...
Teologi Perang, Justifikasi Kekerasan Atas Nama Tuhan Oleh Musa Asy'arie KEKERASAN, peperangan, dan pembunuhan di Ambon, Poso, dan peledakan bom di berbagai kota di Indonesia dilakukan dengan menggunakan justifikasi "agama" atas nama Tuhan. Dalam skala dunia, hal yang sama AS juga merasa berhak bertindak atas nama kebenaran. Pernyataan Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS) George W Bush yang menuduh Irak, Korea Utara, Iran, dan Lybia, sebagai poros kejahatan, berarti AS merasa menggenggam kebenaran untuk menyerang mereka. Saddam Hussein tidak mau kalah, mengecam arogansi dan nafsu agresi presiden AS sebagai syaitan besar. Irak menyatakan, Tuhan akan membelanya melawan AS. Teologi perang dibangun untuk mengklaim Tuhan dan kebenaran di pihak mereka, untuk melegitimasi tindakan melakukan kekerasan atas nama Tuhan. Fakta tak terbantahkan menunjukkan sejak dulu hingga kini, tidak pernah ada seorang pun yang melahirkan dirinya sendiri. Kelahirannya di dunia selalu ter...
The Space Shuttle Must Be Stopped It's costly, outmoded, impractical and, as we've learned again, deadly By GREGG EASTERBROOK ALLAN TANNENBAUM/POLARIS; PETER COSAGROVE/AP Columbia's first lift off on April 12, 1981; and its last, January 16, 2003 Sunday, Feb. 02, 2003 A spacecraft is a metaphor of national inspiration: majestic, technologically advanced, produced at dear cost and entrusted with precious cargo, rising above the constraints of the earth. The spacecraft carries our secret hope that there is something better out there—a world where we may someday go and leave the sorrows of the past behind. The spacecraft rises toward the heavens exactly as, in our finest moments as a nation, our hearts have risen toward justice and principle. And when, for no clear reason, the vessel crumbles, as it did in 1986 with Challenger and last week with Columbia, we falsely think the promise of America goes with it. Unfortunately, the core problem that lay at the hea...