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IBM New Memory Technology Looks Promising

Posted Dec 11, 2006, 5:32 PM ET New type of memory chip developed by a team lead by IBM sould make flash memory a thing of the past. A team of scientists from IBM, Macronix and Qimonda have unveiled a prototype computer memory with the potential to replace the flash memory chips now widely used in computers, digital cameras, portable music players and other consumer electronics. This research gives credence to the concept of "phase-change" memory, which appears to be much faster and can be made much smaller than flash. The prototype phase-change memory device operated more than 500 times faster than flash while using less than one-half the power to write data into a cell. Plus, the device's cross-section is only 3 by 20 nanometers, far smaller than flash can be built today and equivalent to the industry's chip-making capabilities targeted for 2015. Dr. T. C. Chen, Vice President, Science & Technology, IBM Research said that the re...

Muslim students in Rome see learning as a two-way street

As they study Christianity, they find themselves ambassadors of Islam. By Tracy Wilkinson, Times Staff Writer November 28, 2006 ROME — When Zeinep Ozbek told her parents how she planned to pursue her education, they were shocked. Not only was the young Muslim woman about to leave her native Turkey, she was venturing into a strict traditional bastion of Christianity: Rome. Ozbek, 25, is now one of several Muslim students ensconced in the Vatican's system of higher learning in and around the Italian capital. They attend pontifical universities, schools sanctioned by the Vatican, taking lessons from nuns and priests and sitting in classrooms decorated with crucifixes, in buildings adorned with larger-than-life statues and symbols of papal power. As Pope Benedict XVI travels to Turkey today, international attention is riveted on his attempts to improve troubled relations between Christians and Muslims. But here in Rome, at a more grass-roots level, a less-noticed ex...


“Casino Royale.” by ANTHONY LANE Issue of 2006-11-20 Posted 2006-11-13 The NewYorker.Com Who said this: “It is interesting for me to see this new Bond. Englishmen are so odd. They are like a nest of Chinese boxes. It takes a very long time to get to the center of them. When one gets there the result is unrewarding, but the process is instructive and entertaining.” The speaker is Mathis, a kindly French liaison officer in “Casino Royale,” Ian Fleming’s first James Bond novel, published in 1953. More than half a century later, we are back with “Casino Royale,” No. 21 in the roster of official Bond films, and we are back with Mathis. As played by Giancarlo Giannini, who was recently seen having his intestines removed in “Hannibal,” he is pouchy, affable, and dangerously wise, and his presence hints that this new adventure will not be an occasion for silliness: no calendar girls, no blundering boffins, no giants with dentures of steel. The same goes...

Lack of Sleep, a Cause for Child Obesity

Researchers at the Bristol University suggested that cutting sleeping hours is linked to an important problem of the Western world, obesity among children and adolescents. Experts suggested that lack of sleep is to blame for the increasing obesity rate among youngsters. "There is a really clear relationship between short sleep duration and obesity in children," stated Dr Shahrad Taheri, the lead researcher at the Bristol University. Dr Shahrad Taheri and colleagues explained that cutting sleeping hours seriously affects the level of hormones responsible for appetite. Moreover, if you stay awake more, you need to eat larger quantities of food. Experts indicated that computers, television and mobile phones affect the sleep, especially if watching television, playing computer games or talking on the mobile is done before sleeping. It is known that most children do these things mostly before going to bed. "Good sleep could be promoted by removin...

LED Light Bulbs

Zoom A great idea in lighting The light bulb is often used in cartoons to depict the formation of a great idea. We think that building LEDs into a bulb that can be screwed into a standard 120V light socket is a great idea. These LED Light Bulbs come in three different sizes with an output up to 120 Lumens. The bulbs are also long-life and low power consumption. Vivid - This 18 LED light bulb makes an excellent high definition reading light. Perfect to help you not feel guilty about leaving an accent light on all night. Run it for twelve hours a day for a whole year at a cost of about 80 cents. Makes a great reading light. Vivid Plus - Turn any household lamp into a low cost, high-tech marvel by installing the Vivid Plus LED Light Bulb. This ultra-bright l...

Cooking Robot!

Home >> Sci-Edu UPDATED: 11:28, October 10, 2006 Chinese scientists invent first cooking robot China's first cooking robot, named AIC-AICookingrobot, has been invented by scientists in Shenzhen in south China's Guangdong Province. The robot, developed by Fanxing Science and Technology Co. Ltd in Shenzhen, is capable of Sichuan, Shandong and Canton cuisines and can cook thousands of Chinese dishes, according to a report in the Shenzhen Economic Daily. The company spent four years and more than 2 million yuan (about 250,000 U.S. dollars) to develop the robot, said Liu Xinyu, executive director of the company. Scientists translated standardized human cooking actions into machine language. The robot is happy to fry, bake, boil and steam, and can perform other special Chinese cooking actions. At a show held by the company on Sunday, the robot cooked a dish of beautifully-flavored, attractive-looking shrimp in five minutes, said the newspaper. The robot will help standardize Ch...

Osama Behind 9/11?

Al-Jazeera Siarkan Video Osama Sebelum Tragedi 11 September Rita Uli Hutapea - detikcom Dubai - Stasiun televisi Arab Al-Jazeera menayangkan rekaman video yang memperlihatkan Osama bin Laden dan calon-calon pengebom bunuh diri tengah mempersiapkan serangan teroris 11 September 2001 terhadap AS. Sebelumnya Al-Jazeera telah menyatakan akan menyiarkan "video yang mencakup adegan yang memperlihatkan pertama kalinya pemimpin al Qaeda mempersiapkan serangan 11 September dan berlatih untuk pelaksanaan." Video tersebut memperlihatkan Osama sang pemimpin jaringan al Qaeda dan dua orang dari 19 militan yang ikut serta dalam serangan 11 September, yakni Hamza el-Ramdi dan Wael el-Shemari, keduanya warga Arab Saudi. Mereka sedang membicarakan situasi yang dihadapi muslim di Bosnia dan Chechnya. Demikian seperti diberitakan kantor berita AFP, Jumat (8/9/2006). Sebanyak 15 dari 19 penyerang dalam peristiwa 11 September adalah warga Saudi. Al-Jazeera, hanya menyiarkan beberapa menit dari re... : BES siapkan 5 produk baru

BANDUNG: PT Bursa Efek Surabaya (BES) telah menyiapkan lima produk efek baru yang diperkirakan dapat diperdagangkan secepatnya pada tahun depan. Direktur BES T Guntur Pasaribu mengatakan lima produk itu merupakan bagian program pengembangan pasar surat utang di Indonesia yakni Interest Rate Futures, Efek Beragunan Aset, Mortgage Backed Securities, Collate-ralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO), dan Collateralized Bond Obligation (CBO). Semuanya memiliki fungsi efek biasa di pasar modal, kecuali Interst rate Futures. "Interest Rate Futures itu nantinya akan berperan sebagai fungsi hedging [lindung nilai]," jelasnya. Dari kelima surat utang itu, lanjut dia, produk CBO diramalkan akan paling diminati pasar karena produk ini memungkinkan penerbitan obligasi dengan menggunakan obligasi lainnya sebagai kolateral. Khusus soal EBA, menurut dia, BES tengah mengintensifkan upaya penghapusan pajak berganda atas produk tersebut guna mengoptimalkan penyerapan pasar atas produk sekuritisasi ase...

Susuk KB a'la USA

New implantable contraceptive approved by FDA The FDA approved the only implantable contraceptive authorized for women in the U.S. Posted: 07/18/2006 03:58 pm Last Updated: 07/18/2006 05:25 pm The FDA approved the only implantable contraceptive authorized for women in the U.S. It's called Implanon, and is a single rod device implanted in a woman's arm by a trained doctor. It slowly releases the hormone Progestin over a period of three years, and can prevent pregnancy in 99% of women. The device has been used in Europe since 1998. The company plans to start training doctors about the implant in August, and the product should be available shortly after. A similar device called Norplant was taken off the market in the U.S. six years ago. source:

New Indonesian Law on Citizenship

RUU Kewarganegaraan Revolusioner Akan Disahkan Jakarta, CyberNews. DPR dan pemerintah telah merampungkan pembahasan Rancangan Undang-Undang Kewarganegaraan dan menghasilkan berbagai rumusan yang revolusioner. Pada Selasa 11 Juli 2006  mendatang, RUU ini akan disahkan di Paripurna DPR. Ketua Pansus RUU Kewarganegaraan Slamet  Effendy Yusuf (F-Partai Golkar) bersama  Menteri Hukum dan HAM Hamid Awaludin menyampaikan hal itu dalam konferensi pers di Ruang Wartawan DPR, Jumat (7/7). Hadir juga Ketua Panitia Kerja Murdaya Poo (Fraksi Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan), dan Lukman Hakim Saifuddin (F-Partai Persatuan Pembangunan). Menurut Slamet, RUU ini revolusioner karena mendefinisikan Indonesia asli tidak lagi pada etnis tapi pada hukum. Yang disebut warga negara Indonesia asli adalah semua orang yang sejak kelahirannya telah menjadi warga negara Indonesia dan tidak pernah menjadi warga negara lain. ...

stress = infertile?

Stress makes women infertile, stress-busting therapy can help them, says new study Posted on : Wed, 21 Jun 2006 19:02:00 GMT | Author : Martin Booth News Category : Health NEW YORK: Stress can cause infertility in women and stress-reducing therapy can help them conceive, studies by an American researcher have revealed. Prof Sarah Berga of Emory Uni...

Strict parenting linked to overweight children

Disciplinarian parents have fat kids: study June 4, 2006 11:12:57 PM PST Parents who are strict disciplinarians are far more likely to wind up with children who are fat by age six, perhaps because the youngsters over-eat as a reaction to stress, a study said on Monday. The report from Boston University School of Medicine also found that the fewest weight problems occur among children whose parents are "authoritative" -- having high expectations for self control but respectful of a child's opinions and who set clear boundaries. The study also found that children of parents who are permissive, defined as indulgent and without discipline, also have weight problems but not to the degree of the offspring of strict disciplinarians with low levels of sensitivity, the study said. Researchers also found that children of neglectful mothers and fathers, those who are emotionally uninvolved with no set rules, fared about the same as kids raised by permissive pa...

Déjà vu for tragic East Timor

UN abandoned new nation too soon Jun. 2, 2006. 01:00 AM ROSIE DIMANNO "It is inconceivable that more blood will be shed in tiny East Timor, not freedom fighter against freedom fighter." Me, in an April 2002 column. It's bad form to quote oneself. Usually, commentators do it to wag an I-told-you-so finger, perversely pleased over worst predictions realized. Put it down to optimism and affection for what was, at that time, the newest sovereign nation of the 21st century. Now, given combustible events over the past month, East Timor is in danger of becoming the planet's latest failed state. Fortunately, the country still has a beloved leader — their hero of independence, President Xanana Gusmao — to rally around. He has the stones, and moral authority, to bring East Timor back from the brink of ruin. Yesterday, tears streaming down his face, Gusmao spoke with poignant urgency to displaced citizens who have taken refuge in a United Nations compound: "I know there are...

Pajak Jaguar dapet subsidi dari mobil lama?

Pajak Mobil Lama Naik Drastis, Pajak Mobil Baru Malah Turun Arifin Asydhad - detikcom Jakarta - Kenaikan pajak kendaraan bermotor (PKB) memang mengejutkan, sekaligus membingungkan. Sebab, mobil lama malah meningkat tajam, sementara pajak mobil baru malah turun. Pemerintah perlu menjelaskan hal ini. "Kemarin, awal bulan Mei, saya perpanjang mobil Toyota Kijang Grand KF 71 SHR tahun 2000. Semula pajaknya sebesar Rp 861.000, tapi tahun ini menjadi Rp 1.650.000. Kenaikannya menjadi sekitar 100%. Apa ini tidak kelewatan........?" tulis Jery Tom dalam e-mailnya kepada detikcom, Jumat (19/5/2006). Jery mengaku telah mencari banyak informasi mengenai hal ini. Dan hasil temuannya, ternyata ada pajak kendaraan yang turun. "Pajak yang turun adalah pajak kendaraan produk di atas tahun 2000," tulis dia. Karena itu, dia mempertanyakan mengapa pajak kendaraan tahun lama, tahun 2000 ke bawah malah naik nggak tanggung-tanggung, sementara kendaraan baru malah turun. Dia mencontohkan ...

kompas: Blogger menggeser MediaBasBang?

Pewarta Warga, Ancaman bagi Editor? PEPIH NUGRAHA Pada suatu masa, kehadiran radio dianggap mengancam surat kabar dalam hal kecepatan menyiarkan berita. Kemudian radio terancam oleh kehadiran televisi yang lebih atraktif, karena selain menyiarkan suara, juga menyiarkan gambar bergerak yang tentu saja jauh lebih atraktif. Pernah juga disebut-sebut, kehadiran situs berita atau "" di pertengahan tahun 1990-an bisa menjadi ancaman seluruh media massa konvensional, seperti surat kabar, radio, maupun televisi. Akan tetapi, dalam hal kecepatan menyampaikan informasi, konon seluruh jenis media terancam oleh kehadiran mailing list atau blog pribadi di internet. Pakar ilmu komunikasi Universitas Indonesia Dedy Nur Hidayat tidak melihat kehadiran blog sebagai ancaman serius bagi media massa kini, baik koran, radio, maupun televisi. Juga belum bisa disebut tantangan signifikan bagi media-media massa konvensional yang sekarang ini ada. "Blog, situs prib...

Ahmadinejad's Letter

Excerpts from Ahmadinejad letter to Bush By Times Online and agencies The surprise letter sent by President Ahmadinejad of Iran to President Bush - the first such communication in 27 years - has been dismissed by the White House as a rambling 18-page philosophical treatise. The text of the letter, written in English, has been obtained by the AP news agency, which has published selected paragraphs. The White House has said that its contents will not influence its position in the ongoing dispute over Iran's nuclear project. ON THE WAR IN IRAQ "Under the pretext of the existence of WMDs, this great tragedy came to engulf both the peoples of the occupied and the occupying country. Later it was revealed that no WMDs existed to begin with. ISRAEL AND THE HOLOCAUST "After the war, they claimed that six million Jews had been killed. Again, let us assume that these events are true. Does that logically translate into the e...

X1 beats 0-60mph/3sec and 170mpg car combined

Wrightspeed X1 - EV Power and Efficiency by Megawatt Motorworks (1/27/2006) One thousand one... one thousand two... one thousand three... that's how quick this electric car accelerates from 0 to 60 mph. Before you finish this sentence the car has topped 100 mph! Ian Wright sees a market for electric vehicles that outperform petrol cars. The X1 was built to prove his theory as he works to attract funding for his startup company, Wrightspeed Inc. Ian's banking on the fact that power and efficiency are the hallmarks of today's electric vehicles. It's unlikely that any gas car can trump the X1, which sips just 200 Whr of electricy per mile-- or the gas equivalent of 170 miles per gallon. In other words, try to find any gas car that gets 170-mpg and still accelerates with the same gusto! How does this acceleration compare to other cars? Will Nordby of KRON news in San Francisco reported, "Wright competed in a race with $170,000 Ferrari and a $400,000 Por...

how to kill antibiotic resistant bacteria?

from Wallaby milk: proof against antibiotic resistant bacteria Milk from lactating wallabies is effective in combatting antibiotic-resistant bacteria: A newborn wallaby lacks a developed immune system and relies on compounds in its mother's milk to protect it against diseases. Ben Cocks, of the Victoria Department of Primary Industries, in Melbourne, said: "A huge amount of development happens in the pouch, and during that time they just rely on milk." The molecule, called AGG01, also kills other types of bacteria and fungus. Link ( via Futurismic )

MSNBC: Astronaut Eileen Collins leaves NASA

Excerpts:   Eileen Collins, the unflappable astronaut who charted a groundbreaking career as the first woman to pilot and command a space shuttle, is leaving the U.S. space agency. Collins grew up in a public housing project in Elmira, N.Y. She used church collections and money from a pizza parlor job to pay for flying lessons. She studied mathematics and economics and Syracuse University and received masters degrees from Stanford University and Webster University.   Collins became the first woman chosen by NASA to be a spacecraft pilot while attending the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base in California. She had been a mathematics professor and pilot instructor at the U.S. Air Force Academy and an Air Force pilot instructor at Vance Air Force Base in Oklahoma. She retired from the Air Force in 2005 with the rank of colonel. During her NASA career, she logged more than 872 hours in space.   Read the full story:

Plagiat of Harvard

Grrr! Plagiarism Just Another Symptom of Me, Me, Me Wednesday, April 26, 2006 By Mike Straka The recent plagiarism scandal surrounding Harvard sophomore Kaavya Viswanathan's book is yet another symptom of the "me, me, me" mentality that too many young people have adopted as religion. Viswanathan has been under fire since the Harvard Crimson newspaper reported similarities between her book, "How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life," (Little, Brown) and Megan McCafferty's "Sloppy Firsts" and "Second Helpings" (Crown Publishing). All three novels are aimed at young adults. Viswanathan appeared on the "Today" show and stated that the similarities were unintentional, saying "When I was writing, I genuinely believed each word was my own." Crown publisher Steve Ross said in a statement that the apology was "troubling and disingenuous." That is an understatement. You see, apparently...

see through our tongues!

Tongue wars: superwarrior will lick 'em April 24, 2006 - 5:31PM In their quest to create the superwarrior of the future, some military researchers aren't focusing on organs like muscles or hearts. They're looking at tongues. By routing signals from helmet-mounted cameras, sonar and other equipment through the tongue to the brain, they hope to give elite soldiers superhuman senses similar to owls, snakes and fish. Researchers at the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition envision their work giving Army Rangers 360-degree unobstructed vision at night and allowing Navy SEALs to sense sonar in their heads while maintaining normal vision underwater - turning sci-fi into reality. The device, known as "Brain Port," was pioneered more than 30 years ago by Dr Paul Bach-y-Rita, a University of Wisconsin neuroscientist. Bach-y-Rita began routing images from a camera through electrodes taped to people's backs and later discovered the tongue wa...


Akta Kelahiran Lokasi Pelayanan : Suku Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan                               Sipil Kotamadya Waktu Pelayanan : 1 hari kerja  Tarif : Rp. 5.000 Akta Kelahiran adalah Akta Catatan Sipil hasil pencatatan peristiwa kelahiran seseorang. Blangko Akta Kelahiran Blangko Kutipan Akta Kelahiran Persyaratan Sangat disarankan mengurus akta kelahiran sesegera mungkin setelah bayi dilahirkan. Adapun persyaratan untuk membuat akta kelahiran adalah sebagai berikut : Surat Keterangan kelahiran dari Rumah Sakit / Dokter / Bidan / Pilot / Nakhoda Surat Tanda Bukti Perkawinan Orang Tua Surat Keterangan Kelahiran dari Lurah Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga / Kartu Tanda Penduduk yang dilegalisir Lurah Jenis Akta Kelahira...

Donald Trump’s Career Tips

Disadur dari majalah Hers Magazine Menurut Trump, cara untuk mencapai posisi puncak adalah belajar dari kesalahan - baik dari diri sendiri mauoun orang lain. “Belajarlah dari orang-orang di sekeliling Anda. Tak ada alasan untuk melakukan kesalahan yang sama, yang diperbuat oleh orang-orang.” paparnya. Berikut adalah beberapa palajaran yang diambil oleh Trump dari orang lain, yang juga ada dalam buku terbarunya, The Way to The Top - The Best Business Advice I Ever Received. Turuti Kata Hati Jangan hanya bekerja demi uang. Cobalah mencintai pekerjaan yang kita lakukan dan ikuti kata hati yang akan mengarahkan kita ke jalan yang benar. “Matahari Tak Bersinar Selamanya” Saat berada di posisi atas, selalulah “melihat” ke bawah. Sebab, tak selamanya kira berada di posisi yang menyenangkan. Akan ada saat-saat sulit, dan inilah kunci bagi kita dalam mengatasi masalah yang datang dan berusaha bertahan. Karena itu, simpan dan perbarui selalu resume dan pelihara...

Indonesia's Skin Wars

A proposed law against pornography worries moderates and minorities in Indonesia   BY JASON TEDJASUKMANA | TEGALCANGKRING DITA ALANGKARA / AP "PORNOAKSI?": Under the proposed legislation, foreign beachgoers could be forced to cover up or stay at home   Monday, Apr. 03, 2006 The black bra under the thin yellow kebaya , a close-fitting blouse, leaves little to the imagination. Even more suggestive are the flittering eyes and gyrating hips of the dancer, who chases young men to pull them up on stage. One accepts the offer and makes a grab for her large posterior as she beckons with welcoming eyes. Another makes a gesture at her breasts and then stuffs cash into her hands. This is not a lap dance in Las Vegas, but a revered Balinese custom known as the joged bumbung , or bamboo dance. Yet it is one of hundreds of traditions across the Indonesian archipelago that could be banned under legislation being deliberat...

twist of tongue

We must polish the Polish furniture. He could lead if he would get the lead out. The farm was used to produce produce. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. The soldier decided to desert in the desert. This was a good time to present the present. A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. I did not object to the object. The insurance was invalid for the invalid. The bandage was wound around the wound. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row. They were too close to the door to close it. The buck does funny things when the does are present. They sent a sewer down to stitch the tear in the sewer line. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow. The wind was too strong to wind the sail. After a number of injections my jaw got number. Upon seeing the tear in my clothes I shed a tear. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend? I...

Grow your own kidney!

Scientists have created a "neo-bladder" that's engineered in a laboratory. It is just one of many different forms of tissue engineering currently being explored. Bone and skin regeneration already exists, and in the future, parts of or entire complex organs like the heart may even be replicated in a laboratory. (Tengion, Inc. ) See the full article in: Straight Out of Science Fiction: Organs Engineered in a Lab

Indonesia Negeri Kaya

Analisis Denny Indrayana Indonesia Negeri Kaya Nihil Dosa Denny Indrayana - detikcom   Jakarta - Siapa bilang Indonesia miskin-papa. Salah besar, bohong benar. Indonesia negara kaya-raya. Negeri makmur-subur, damai-sentosa. Indonesia hanya pura-pura miskin: pura-pura banyak utang; pura-pura banyak teroris; pura-pura banyak masalah. Sejatinya, Indonesia adalah negara paling bahagia di seluruh dunia, di seantero jagat raya.   Dunia yang mengira Indonesia miskin, tertipu. Mereka hanya melihat kulit, tidak melihat isi. Dunia terpana tampilan luar fisik Indonesia yang coreng-moreng-bopeng, padahal itu hanya topeng. Sebenarnya Indonesia bukan negeri gepeng -- gelandangan-pengemis -- tapi bangsa yang keren-mentereng. Tak percaya? Simak saja bagaimana harga minyak dikerek menyamai harga di pasaran dunia, bukankah itu artinya daya beli masyarakat Indonesia pun seharusnya setara dengan negara hebat lainnya?   Meski mengirim babu ke manca negara, itu bukan berarti ...